Catchgate Primary School

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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

The year 4 children will be in the classroom with me (Mr Simpson) and Mrs High. Here is a little more about us both:



Mr Simpson -  Hello everyone, I hope you are as excited as I am for this year. I have been teaching at Catchgate for over 7 years now. Outside of school, I am a football and golf enthusiast, with my spare time I follow Sunderland AFC and attempt to play golf.

Mrs High - My name is Mrs Lynne High and I am the teaching assistant who will be working in Year 4. Some of you might know me better as Miss Fenwick! I have worked at Catchgate School for just over 33 years, supporting in almost every age group. One of my hobbies is gardening, I love pottering and looking after my plants. I am keen to learn a lot about the children I will be working with!

Class Expectations

  • Children will respect other people's answers and listen whilst others are talking.
  • Children will always believe in themselves.
  • Children will bring forest school kits in on Wednesdays.
  • Children will make sure PE kits are within school and are taken home to be washed at half terms.
  • Reading records and spelling books to be brought to school each day and taken home. (Replacements can be bought from the office).
  • Children will read as often as possible and have this marked in their reading records. 


P.E: Our P.E day is on a Tuesday. Please can children leave all P.E kit in school we will send home each half term to be washed.


Forest School: This will take place on Monday afternoon. Children need to wear suitable clothes, as they will be working outside for the whole session, and have a change of footwear suitable for walking on a muddy field.


Reading: Children will have opportunities to read every day, therefore they should always bring their reading records and reading books to school every day. It is very important to hear your child as much as possible. It develops their language skills and enhances their vocabulary.

Times tables

All children have an individual target table to focus upon each week. They will be tested every Friday . Your child will know the table they are on. We will also be using TT Rockstars to help facilitate learning.



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