Catchgate Primary School

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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2L

Hello everyone and welcome to Year 2L!

Mrs McDonald has been working at Catchgate Primary since September 1990 and has taught in every year group but year 2 is her favourite! At home she likes to go for long walks on the beach and along the riverside and she loves reading.

Year 2 Timetable- please clink on the link below to see our class timetable.

Y2 Spring Timetable


Class Expectations

In Year 2 we will:

  • Always give 100% with everything that we do.
  • Look after all of our belongings and keep things tidy.
  • Return reading books and spelling books daily.
  • Read as often as possible at home.
  • Complete Sumdog activities as much as possible.
  • Have a PE kit in school at all times.
  • Bring swimming kit each week.
  • Arrive ready for forest school every Wednesday morning.
  • Be kind, have courage and be true. 

Key information

Year 2 PE, swimming and Forest School

We would like to remind you to put names in all of your children's clothes and they are allowed a water bottle in class, this should also have a name on. Below you will find PE and Forest School information and it is very important that you child is prepared for the sessions each week. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need some support with any uniform. 


P.E is on a Friday afternoon. 

Please ensure you child has kit in school which include- Red t-shirt, black shorts and plimsoles. PE kits will be returned home at the end of each half term and should come back into school in time for the first PE session of the half term.


Forest School is on a Wednesday morning. 

Please send your child to school with suitable clothing that you don't mind getting wet and muddy.  This should include sturdy shoes, boots or wellies, a warm coat, warm trousers and jumper. In the winter months please send in spare socks, hat, gloves and a scarf, it can get very chilly! surprise

Children will need to bring school shoes whenever they wear wellies or other footwear to school.

You will need to pack your child's uniform for them to change into after Forest School. 


Swimming happens on a Thursday morning.

Please send your child into school as normal, our session starts at 9:30am. 


Spellings - All children in Year 2 will be given weekly spellings based on the spelling rules taught in class that particular week. These will be shared in a spelling book that children must return to school every Friday in order for new spellings to be given out the following Monday.  Children will take part in a spelling quiz each Friday.  Correct spellings will be marked with a green dot in their spelling book so parents know which spellings to continue practising at home. 


'Here is the Seed' by John Foster

Year 2 have been focusing on a wonderful poem this week by John Foster called Here is the Seed. This poem is about the life of a plant from beginning as a seed to flowering into a plant by the end of the poem.



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