At Catchgate, PSHE enables children to develop knowledge, skills and understanding about the world around them. It also enables children to develop life long skills which will support them now and in the future. When taught well, PSHE education also helps pupils to achieve their academic potential (PSHE Association, 2020 online). As well as this, it prepares children for life in the ever changing world, and to consider the diverse world we live in.
PSHE is delivered to children through meaningful lessons linked to their over arching theme. All lessons encourage a growth mindset approach which promotes positive behaviour, mental health, wellbeing, resilience and achievement. Children's wellbeing and mental health is considered in all we do throughout the curriculum and there are often times when PSHE may link into other areas of the curriculum. Lessons may be delivered through stories, discussion and activities which follow the SCARF scheme of work. We develop children's understanding of a healthy lifestyle, safe and varied relationships and how their bodies change as the grow.